Having been on Permanent Annual Leave for a few years now, we finally decided to try out a CAWPA lunch this year. During the course of employment with the Company, the ambition used to be to reach a senior position as soon as possible. However, with this outfit, we're in absolutely no hurry whatsoever!!
There are quite a few photos, so it may take a while to load. Unfortunately not all of us are blessed with Superfast Broadband, as BT seems to think that ADSL means Any Delay Saves Lots!! please be patient. (..don't they all say that!!)
"The organised pre-
..although most of us just stood around!!"
Manny makes sure he doesn't drop Pensioners from "G-
any of HIS during the conversation. annual day out.
"How many MORE times do we have to hear The B(l)ooze Brothers!!
"The Best Joke In The World??!!"
This is a GOOD picture of Dave Escott.... This one isn't. (An extra 5pc on the pension
guarantees removal !!)
"..and his Dentist gives away FREE Look intelligent Jim -
beards AND Superglue!! the camera's back again."
"..and it dries in FIVE seconds." "Trust me Barry -
Beer is about to run down the back of
Mike's found someone better looking ...Poking fun at everyone else, s'pose it's my turn!!!
than him -
"What DID you think of that joke anyway??" “Oi Trev, that’s my batteries you’ve
got hold of there!”
"My husband will have your head off if he sees you, or is it off already..??!"
You always had a good head for something Derek, "So all you do is press Ray's nose and
Now we know what!! it lights up and spins round..??"
Paddy's just heard his pension's gone up by Ten Percent...
..then he woke up!!!
Nice hair Maureen -
Oh no it isn't, Oh yes it is..........""
"Honest, Tone -
F1 staff are being offered overseas postings...."
Everybody out! Another function's about to follow.
....AND TORQUAY 2007!!!
Following an absence of about three years, largely caused by several bouts of suicidal depression from reading articles on the F1 email Forum, we decided to give TQ another go and once more join the annual lunchtime Bunfight at the Palace Hotel. Either we’re getting old or the other guests are getting even older, (maybe both?) but this year the attendance seemed to be positively historic. Since there appears to be few , if any, replacement Retirees coming in from anywhere of what’s left of C&W, the continued “life” of such reunions must surely be questionable.
(Come on you Pensions people -
However, as ever, everyone enjoyed themselves, the meal was 9/10, the company was good and we all went home more than a few quid lighter than when we arrived. Back next year ?
Dave E, prays this year’s meal is better than last year.
Dick Goodley -
...and this lovely lady was a great waitress. Extra helpings all round and ice cream for me instead of the Pavlova. Cheers m’dear!
The “Two Daves” -